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Bridal Beauty Countdown: Preparing Your Skin For the Big Day

Bridal Beauty Countdown: Preparing Your Skin For the Big Day

Your wedding day will be one of the biggest and most important days of your life, making it understandable that you’ll want to look your very best! Not only does this mean finding the perfect dress and picking a gorgeous hairstyle, but your skin also needs to be in good shape. Sure, you’ll probably be wearing makeup, but nothing quite beats a naturally luminescent glow!

Ideally, when it comes to bridal skin, you should aim to start preparing a few months before your big day. However, whether you still have plenty of time or you’ve left it to the last minute, Celestolite is here to help! Read on as we explain how to achieve bridal skin that’ll look absolutely stunning in all of your wedding photos.

Three Months Before Your Big Day

It may seem as though your wedding day is still a while away, but now is the perfect time to begin prepping your skin to say “I do”:

Add a Retinoid to Your Skincare Routine


There are a number of ingredients out there that can work wonders on the skin, but retinoids are among the most widely studied. They can help with the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, dullness, sagging skin, and more, making them worth adding to your routine if you’re dealing with any specific visible skin concerns.

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives – there are a few different types out there. Retinol, which you’ll find in the Celestolite Luna Luminous Touch, is one of the most popular because of its potency. However, if your skin is on the sensitive side, go with retinyl palmitate. It’s a gentler derivative – one that has been used in Celestolite’s Estrella Renewing Vitamin C Serum.

Since retinoids can sometimes cause irritation in the skin, it’s best to start using one a few months in advance of your big day. The skin sometimes needs time to grow accustomed to the ingredient.

Begin Using an LED Light Therapy Device


LED light therapy is becoming increasingly popular due to the many ways in which it can help the complexion. Be it the appearance of dark spots and dullness, wrinkles and fine lines, or inflammation and redness, LED light therapy can restore the look of the skin to give it a healthier and more youthful finish.

The downside to LED light therapy is that it can take a while, along with several sessions, to see a difference in your skin. However, this can be overcome by investing in an at-home LED light therapy device and starting to use it a few months before your wedding day. 

If you have multiple visible skin concerns to tackle, find a device that offers multiple modes, such as the Photonix-2 Eye Wand. This one is designed specifically for the thin skin around the eyes and is a great way to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, puffiness, dark circles, and more.

Start Double Cleansing

Strella Cleansing Mouse

In order for your skincare products to work to their full potential, they need to be applied to clean skin. However, often, even when you think your skin is clean, it isn’t. Sometimes, a single cleanse simply isn’t enough to remove every trace of dead skin, excess oil, pollutants, and more from the skin.

This is where the double cleanse comes in…

It involves first cleansing your skin with an oil-based cleanser. Oil attracts oil, so this step will remove the oil-based impurities from your skin. You would then follow up with a water-based cleanser, such as the Celestolite Estrella Cleanser Mousse. This will sweep away everything that your oil-based cleanser has left behind. 

One Month Before Your Big Day

With just one month to go, things will be starting to feel real! Here’s how to keep your complexion in shape:

Try to Keep Your Stress Levels Low

Chances are that you’ll be under a fair bit of stress at this point, especially if you’re planning a large and extravagant wedding! While stress is understandable, it’s important to recognize that if you’re hoping for flawless bridal skin, stress is the last thing that you should be feeling.

Why? Because stress interferes with the skin in a big way. Whenever you’re stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol, which plays havoc with the skin. From weakening protein fibers to increasing oil production to dulling the complexion, stressed-out skin is never a good look.

While completely eliminating stress may be impossible a month before your wedding, make an effort to keep your stress levels under control. Find a few stress relief methods that you can turn to whenever things get too much and you’ll be able to prevent your cortisol levels from soaring to skin-damaging heights.

Make Sure That Your Diet is Giving Your Skin What it Needs

When people get busy, they often let their diets slide. Fast food, processed snacks, sugar-filled drinks…they’re all geared toward convenience, and convenience is exactly what you need when your wedding day is just one month away.

While that may be the case, those foods are the opposite of what your skin needs. Instead, they’ll end up damaging your skin and could cause your complexion to lose its luster right before your big day.

Even if you’ve made poor dietary choices in the past, there’s still time to change things and improve the look of your skin from within before your wedding. You probably already know how to do this. Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, along with healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole grains. Not only will your skin look better, but you’ll feel healthier and more confident too!

One Week Before Your Big Day

With only one week to go, here’s what you’ll need to do for beautiful bridal skin:

Hold Off on the Acids and Retinoids

As we mentioned earlier, retinoids can sometimes cause skin irritation. Acids, such as AHAs and BHAs, can have this effect too. This is why it would be a good idea to hold off on these ingredients during the week leading up to your wedding day. 

What about if you’ve already been using these ingredients regularly and haven’t experienced irritation? Even then, the stress and nerves that you’ll be dealing with could cause your skin to become more sensitive and reactive. The last thing that you want to be facing on your wedding day is redness and inflammation so, to be on the safe side, save those ingredients for the week after.

Treat Yourself to a Facial


A facial can be a great way to give your skin a boost before your wedding day. However, don’t schedule your final facial too close to your big day – ideally, you should give yourself about a week in between. 

Why? In case of any irritation. This way, if your skin happens to react, it will still have some time to recover.

It goes without saying that your final facial as a bachelorette should be a gentle and hydrating one. Now is the perfect time to bump up your skin’s hydration levels so that you’ll be rocking bridal skin that looks fresh and dewy. 

If you don’t have time for a professional facial, treat your skin to the Luna Lava Mask from Celestolite instead. This clay mask gently heats up as it’s applied to the skin, making it feel like a professional spa treatment!

The Night Before Your Big Day

It goes without saying that your evening skincare routine the night before your wedding day is important. Here are a couple of areas to focus on:

Double Up on Hydration

Estrella Facial Toner

As we mentioned above, the more hydrated your skin is, the more radiant it will look. Hopefully, your regular skincare routine is already hydrating but now would still be a good time to add in an extra hydrating product.

The Celestolite Estrella Facial Toner would be a great formula to use. It will splash your face with moisture while also soothing the look of inflammation or irritation. With that said, make sure that you add this product to your skincare routine in advance. You shouldn’t be experimenting with new formulas the night before your wedding day!

Mask Up

Jade Spectra Mask

Since you’ll want your skin to look its best in the morning, give it some extra TLC. We’ve already talked about adding in more hydration but a face mask is also a great way to pamper your skin on such an important night.

The Jade Spectra Mask from Celestolite would be the perfect way to do this. It’s a leave-on mask, meaning that you can apply it as part of your evening skincare routine before you go to bed and you won’t need to rinse it off. Instead, you’ll wake up in the morning with a luminescent glow!

Your Wedding Day

Now that your big day is finally here, here are a few last-minute bridal skin tips to keep in mind:

Keep Your Skincare Routine Basic


There’s a good chance that you’ll be wearing makeup today, so you don’t want to go overboard with your skincare routine. The last thing that you need is clogged pores and acne breakouts!

So, keep your skincare routine basic. Stick with products that you’ve already been regularly using and you know won’t cause a reaction. Cleanse, apply a hydrating serum, and, if your wedding is during the day, finish with an SPF moisturizer. 

Go With Water-Based Skincare Products

Here’s a bridal skin tip that many professional makeup artists swear by; only use water-based skincare products on your wedding day.

Why? Because these will quench your skin without weighing it down. They won’t leave any sort of greasy residue on your face, which would have otherwise interfered with your makeup. Your makeup is also less likely to separate or pill when applied over water-based, rather than oil-based, skincare products. This will ensure that your face looks flawless for hours!

Bridal Skin Care From Celestolite

At Celestolite, we have everything that your skin will need to look and feel its very best on your big day. Follow the beauty countdown that we’ve shared above and you’ll be walking down the aisle with a gorgeous glow and incredible confidence!

Click here to browse more bestselling skincare products from Celestolite.

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