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8 Effective Ways to Heal and Soothe the Look of Sun-Damaged Skin

8 Effective Ways to Heal and Soothe the Look of Sun-Damaged Skin

Spent too much time out in the sun? 

Even the smallest amount of redness signals that your skin has experienced UV damage, with the immediate effects of this being inflammation and swelling. However, sun damage accumulates in the skin too. Over time, it contributes to wrinkles, loose skin, dark spots, dullness, spider veins, and even skin cancer. 

What can you do about this? Whether you’re looking for a way to soothe the feel of your skin ASAP or want to learn some strategies for combatting the long-term effects of UV rays on your complexion, read on as Celestolite shares eight effective ways to heal the look and feel of sun-damaged skin.

1) Cool Your Skin Down

If your skin is currently feeling inflamed and burnt, the best way to counter this is to cool your skin down. Cool temperatures will immediately calm the feeling of inflammation while also stopping it from spreading through your skin. 

The easiest way to do this is by taking a cool shower or bath. If you’re outdoors and you can feel your skin starting to burn, a quick dip in the ocean or a lake will help to keep your skin feeling soothed. Pool water doesn’t have quite the same effect as chlorine can sometimes make inflammation worse. 

Another option would be to apply a cool compress to the affected areas of your skin. Storing your skincare products in the fridge can help with this too. This way, when you apply them to your sun-damaged skin, they’ll immediately bring the temperature of your skin down, leaving it feeling calm and refreshed.

2) Saturate Your Skin With Aloe Vera

Estrella Facial Toner

You’re probably already aware that one of the go-to ingredients for sun-damaged skin is aloe vera. Its reputation precedes it, with this botanical loved for how it can calm the feeling of inflammation. Multiple studies back this up while also showing that aloe vera helps to moisturize the skin too. This is all thanks to a compound in the plant called aloin.

What’s the best way to give your skin some aloe vera? 

You have a few options. The first is to turn to an aloe vera plant, where you’ll be able to extract the fresh gel from its leaves. The gel can also be purchased in bottles, but pay attention to the other ingredients that have been included in those formulations as many preservatives will only make your skin feel worse.

Alternatively, you could also look for a toner or a serum that has been infused with aloe vera, just like the Celestolite Estrella Facial Toner. Not only is aloe vera leaf juice one of its main ingredients, but it also contains chamomile extract and cucumber extract. Both botanicals are also known for how they soothe the feeling of inflammation, making this alcohol-free toner a game-changer for anyone with sun-damaged skin.

3) Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Estrella Night Cream

If you have sun-damaged skin, then this means that your skin’s natural protective barrier has been compromised. Not only does this leave your skin at risk of dehydration and sensitivities but it also means that you’ll be even more susceptible to further damage from the sun. 

With the right care, your skin barrier will heal over time. However, until that happens, you’ll need to keep your skin moisturized in an attempt to compensate for the lack of your own natural barrier. Ideally, use a moisturizer that contains plenty of natural oils and fatty acids since these will best mimic the substances that make up your skin’s own barrier.

The Celestolite Estrella Awakening Day Cream would be a great choice for the daytime. It contains sodium hyaluronate and glycerin to hydrate the skin, along with oat protein to soothe and strengthen the complexion. Meanwhile, in the evenings, turn to the Estrella Night Cream. It also contains oat protein, this time blended with shea butter and sunflower seed oil to provide a thicker consistency that will easily coat your skin to prevent moisture loss while you sleep.

4) Protect Your Skin From Further Sun Damage

Nova Bright Skin Cream

It goes without saying that if you already have sun-damaged skin, then more sun damage is the last thing that you want to be experiencing. Allowing those UV rays to infiltrate your unprotected skin will only accelerate the damage that you’re already suffering from.

While staying out of the sun would be the best way to do this, this isn’t always realistic. This is why it’s always important to have a sunscreen that you can turn to. Ideally, you should be applying this before you head out of the door in the mornings, and then again every two hours after that. 

As we mentioned above, it’s also important to keep sun-damaged skin consistently moisturized. This is where an SPF moisturizer, like the Celestolite Nova Bright Skin Cream SPF 30, can be incredibly useful. Use this instead of a regular sunscreen and you’ll be both moisturizing and protecting with each application.

5) Wear Vitamin C Under Your Sunscreen

Estrella Renewing Vit C Serum

If you’re suffering from sun-damaged skin, antioxidants are what you need. These powerful compounds are famed for how they can repair the look of damaged skin. Whether your sun damage is showing as wrinkles, discoloration, or anything else, using antioxidants regularly will enable you to restore a healthier complexion once again.

There are plenty of antioxidants out there that you can add to your skincare routine. However, vitamin C is known for being one of the best. In fact, research shows that combining vitamin C with a sunscreen can leave the skin feeling even more protected against UV rays while also giving it the tools that it needs to heal the appearance of existing sun damage.

How should you apply vitamin C underneath your sunscreen? A serum is the most effective way. For the best results, find a formula that offers more than one form of vitamin C, just like the Celestolite Estrella Renewing Vitamin C Serum. With both tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate and ascorbyl palmitate, you’ll be doubling up on the vitamin C that you provide to your skin. At the same time, you’ll also be treating it to vitamins A and E. Both of these are also antioxidants and can also help to mitigate the appearance of sun damage.

6) Give Your Skin Some Extra Hydration

Mars Stellar Serum

As we discussed above, sun-damaged skin means that your skin barrier will be compromised. This can cause a number of issues, with the most common being dehydration. After all, one of the main roles of your skin barrier is to form a seal over your skin’s surface to prevent moisture from evaporating into the air. If there are any gaps in that seal, which there will be if your skin is sun-damaged, moisture will evaporate much faster. This will quickly leave your skin parched.

To counter this, it’s time to ramp up your skin’s hydration levels. How? Start by making sure that you’re drinking eight glasses of water a day. No matter how much you hydrate your skin externally, you’ll struggle to actually raise your skin’s hydration levels if your body is dehydrated from within.

In addition to this, you should also be slathering your skin with hydrating skincare ingredients. You’ll find plenty of them in the Celestolite Mars Stellar Serum. This serum is brimming with humectants, which are ingredients that have moisture-binding properties. They’ll immediately quench your skin while leaving it looking fuller and dewier.

7) Use the Right Ingredients to Tackle the Appearance of Discoloration

Nova Dark Spot Corrector

When UV rays hit your skin, your skin starts to produce more melanin. This is the pigment responsible for the color of your skin, but it also provides a small amount of natural defense against the sun. The more sun exposure you experience, the more melanin your skin produces. This is why the skin darkens after it has been out in the sun for a while.

Unfortunately, there’s only so much melanin that your skin can evenly distribute. After a while, there isn’t anywhere for all of those extra pigment cells to go. This causes them to cluster up under certain areas of skin. This gives those areas a darker appearance, resulting in dark spots and discoloration.

How can you even out your skin tone once again? Many turn to chemical skin-lightening creams, which can often cause more harm than good. Fortunately, there are plenty of safer alternatives out there that have been proven to be just as effective at lightening the look of dark spots. Kojic acid, arbutin, and ascorbic acid are among the best, all of which can be found in the Celestolite Nova Dark Spot Corrector. Use this solution regularly and your dark spots will soon appear to fade away!

8) Turn to LED Light Therapy

Jelessi Photonix-2 Eye Wand

Topical skincare products are great but, sometimes, the skin needs some extra help. After all, sun damage affects the deeper layers of the complexion – layers that topical skincare products cannot reach, no matter how good they may be!

This is where LED light therapy can be extremely useful. It’s great at dealing with so many of the visible skin concerns that arise with sun-damaged skin. From the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots to the feeling of inflammation and general discomfort, LED light therapy can leave your skin looking healthier once again.

While your dermatologist will be able to carry these treatments out for you, a more convenient option would be to invest in an at-home LED light therapy device. Initially, LED light therapy needs to be done a few times a week. Doing this yourself at home makes life much easier! Look for a device that offers multiple modes, like the Photonix-2 Eye Wand. This one focuses on the skin around the eyes to reduce the appearance of everything from crow’s feet to discoloration.

Caring for Sun-Damaged Skin With Celestolite

Ignoring sun-damaged skin is the worst thing that you can do as that damage will only accelerate and deepen. Instead, if you’re seeing signs of sun damage on your skin, follow the steps above to ensure that you’re able to keep your complexion soothed, calm, and healthy.

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